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How can I increase the speed of Church Music Master?

Close other programs that are running in the backround. The more Windows resources you have free, the better Church Music Master will run. Also, learn to use Church Music Master without loading the entire hymnal into the Browse Box. Use the search box to narrow the group of hymns that you are pulling into the Browse Box. Or, learn to use the Quick Browser for most of your cross referencing needs. You will find that the slowest part of Church Music Master is loading the entire list of hymns into the Browse Box. We have taken every effort to speed this process up, however, when pulling a list of over 600 hymns into the Browse Box, it does take a few seconds. (To learn about the Browse Box, search for Browse Box in the online help.)

If you are prepared to speed up Church Music Master by enhancing your computer, you have several choices. On any computer, more memory (RAM) will help a lot. Most PCs come equipped with at least 4 megabytes of RAM. If you have more than 4 megabytes of RAM, you will notice a significant improvement in performance. You can also buy an accelerator card for your computer which would speed things up. Faster hard drives and RAM cache are other options to enhance your computers performance.

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