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This is a record of some of the bug fixes and changes in CMM since its inception. This file is provided for those who have interest only. Please note that it is a copy of the programmers notes so it may read as if it is written in short hand. If you can make your way through the "code" you can figure out if you have a bug that has been fixed. To report bugs to us, please send us mail.

4.21 (Released 1/16/2003):
	Fixed problem with some song titles being truncated

4.20 (Released 1/15/2003):
	Updated copyright information
	Fix printing problem with detailed reports
	Fix screen refresh issue after searching

4.1 (Released 7/1/02):
	Compatible with Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP
	CMM 2002 version, new colors for splash screen and about box
	Copyright extended to 2002
	Fixed combo box error issue for Windows NT/2000/XP
	Fixed file launching for Win9x, rearrange layout of boxes
	Made improvements to fix Error 75 on backup/restore
	Installed new calendar control
	Increased grid size and dates used height for services screen
	About box improvements
	Timer to keep opening screen open for 1.8 seconds
	All column text in Services begins on the same line vertically
	Fixed bug when searching music by Titles List field
	Clear text/combo after adding title or topic, etc.
	Fixed library number printing issue
	Attempted to fix refresh after search issue in Music
	ZIP compatible backup and restore
	Format as 0.00 for price on music and equipment databases
	Updated web site address and help file

3.15 (6/27/00):
	Fixed import problem with Music Library
	Fixed template problem in Service Planner
	Fixed problem with print button function
	Made change to try to fix combo box problem in NT/W2K

3.14 (8/27/99):
	Fixed blank line edit error - problem was in sample service, not software
	Fix problem if single quote in choir name for routine cboAbsentChoir_Change

3.13 (8/16/99):
Added feature request for using template automatically when clicking on calendar
Fixed problem saving choice of service templates to use
Fixed edit line toolbar button in the service planner
Fixed column text wrapping issue in service planner columns
Song title selected in service planner will come up as default when inserting line in the service
	Fixed exporting to export with tabs
	Emailed to a few people with tech support requests

3.12 (6/23/99):
	Fixed cmm32.exe to prevent selecting TITLE LIST or TOPICS as sort fields, esp. default to go in INI
	Converter is ok, since these items are not copied from the old INI file
	Emailed to a few people, not fully released

3.11 (5/21/99):
	Fixed converter32 to keep leading zeros on library, catalog, and inventory numbers in music and equipment libraries
	First version to ship on CDROM

3.10 (5/9/99) Release Version
	Added Maranatha! Chorusbook 4th edition, existing is 3rd edition and labeled accordingly
	Added Celebration Hymnal by Word
	Added Praise Worship Songbooks 12 and 13 by Integrity to DB with 1-11 already there
	Changed converter32 to use Maranatha 3rd ed filename
	Changed WISE to handle new databases
	Updated help file to show new databases
	Improve grid refresh rate after editing or moving a line

3.0 CMM 2000 (Spring 1999) :
General:	CMM 2000 as new name
	Should be Y2K compatible
Wise install version 7 used for 32 bit version
Browse box limit fix, no longer stops at 1000, shows more information
	3 level sort feature, instead of 2
	Save button and commands no longer necessary, automatically saved
	Backup uses compression and saves to single file - fits on 1.44MB floppy
	One dialog for all searches, more parameters allowed for date, other searches
	Better screen layouts
	Faster program execution
	Import - multiselect for add/remove items from list
	Centers on screen if no entries in INI for positioning - fixes 800x600 position problem
	Export: pick field order like in import, allows user to import into spreadsheet or word processor with certain columns only
Dialer added for phone numbers in personnel & publishers, COM Port option in Preferences
Removed COD orders as an ordering option
Combined many functions that were duplicate in print reports and print labels into module
	Print directly from print preview, do not reload
	Fix type in 1991 Baptist - hymn 174 should be G, not D for key
	Splash screen is shown after demo info messagebox on startup
Equipment: Unlimited # of categories
		Added Total $ Field in printed report list of available fields for list reports
	Personnel:	Unlimited absence dates, better handling, better searching
		Absences trackable by choir for 3 choirs per person
		Unlimited performances for each person instead of 4, auto insert this info if added to service from planner
		Improved performance searching
		3 choirs with date, part, position, folder, robe, etc for each
		Unlimited choirs, parts, positions in combo boxes instead of 10
		Improved Performance tracking and searching, allows selecting from a list of titles from any song database
		Searches for bday and absence are true SELECTs, not manual lists (all searches in libs this way)
		Email field added to database
	Music:	Added tune to list of fields & is user configurable
		Unlimited # of choices for all user custom lists, instead of 10
		Unlimited # of dates used, instead of 8
		Unlimited # of topics and titles in the title list, instead of 20
		Can manually enter dates used
	Planner:	Unlimited number of topics in user hymnals
		Unlimited number of dates used for hymns
		Much faster loading of the hymnal browser, no limit to number of items to browse (was 1000)
		Improved screen layout
		Special music - can select songs and people, all dates updated for song and performances for each person
		Dates and perfs for a service can be deleted when a service is deleted
		Unlimited ratings, topics for user hymnals
		Can manually enter dates used without adding song to a service
		Unlimited # of templates, user can assign names to them, user can delete them
		Unlimited # of songs when mulitple hymnal search - was 1000 limit in browser
		Pick all 3 column fields when adding music or special - in prefs
		Pick column to add names for special - in prefs
	Ability to drop columns in service order when printing
	Conversion: Standard Hymnals - copy dates, ratings, memo, verses
		User - copy above + topics and master topic list
		Music - topics, master list, title list, dates used, other fields
		Move all user lists for combos from INI to dbs, erases defaults if old INI found
		Copy all personnel, equip, publishers records - put performances, dates into proper tables
		Personnel - Take into account fax/phone mixup when converting database data
		Convert templates and delete samples if upgrading & converting
		Copy INI settings - Dirs, User#s, BdayYear, WordProc
		Generates Convert32.LOG for tracking what files were found and converted
Setup:	Ask user about upgrading old files before doing it
New codes for registered version
		Generate new register utility with options for both
		Set converter INI values for directories
	3.01 Bug Fixes (3/30/99)
		Email text box length
		Personnel tab order
		All libs - auto delete if add new is blank - ItemTextBad routine
		Music - add new setfocus to title not author
		For Memo fields and others that allow multilines added Fix EnterKey function, like NoBeep, adds linefeed for enter key
	3.02 Bug Fixes (4/9/99)
		Data location error  when changing drives from backup/restore dialog, drives had label as part of drive name, needed to strip
		Set focus to music title when coming from another library		
	3.03 Bug Fixes (4/19/99)
		INI changed to open maximized first time
		Adjusted "Contact" label in Publishers
		Insert from Browser on double click
		Added version as global constant
		Order info: price $169, drop 3.1 version, CDROM, $10 shipping, one price for all order methods, upgrade $119, comp after 1/1/99
	3.04 Bug Fixes (4/22/99)
		Source combo in music did not load in sources from other DB
		Fixed problem where combos like one above lost existing data when combo was dropped down
2.1b (4/6/98)
	Fixed Hymnal List Report bug when printing dates used 
2.1 - (8/20/97)
  • Added Integrity Praise and Worship books 10-11.
  • Added the Episcopal Hymnal.
  • Changes in setup routine.
  • Fully functional demo.

2.0d - (6/25/97)

  • Fixed exporting problem when using Microsoft Word 95 or 97.

2.0c - (3/3/97)

  • Fixed textbox length for verses (was 255, now 32k max)
  • Fixed edit verses problem from user hymnal edit dialog box and quick browse
  • Verses are now edited and saved correctly
  • Verses added to list of fields for hymnal searches and printing list reports
  • Fixed font problem on reports, font could not be changed, now changeable

2.0b - (1/15/97)

  • Fixed error when searching for topic text in music library
  • Fixed bold font in search dialog for search for topic text
  • Fixed sort in all libraries, no sort would take place except from preferences

2.0a - (12/19/96)

  • Fixed error when adding topics to a new record with none already in songs list

1.21 (9/19/95)

  • Fixed bug in open/resizing that hid next/prev on same day buttons.
  • Added network info, intl $15 charge, no intl COD to help file.
  • Fixed bug from resizing that would not allow hymnals in menu to be hidden.

1.20 - (9/11/95)

  • Resizing added for all libraries and hymnal master, looks good on minimize.
  • Added option to select field for comment column for hymns.
  • Registration screen added for first time installed, save in ini, show in about box.
  • Use current sort for everything: Publishers, Music, Choir, Equip, HM.
  • Form size and state and position automatically saved for next session.
  • Option for print button from prefs to print or call setup screen.
  • Save db data in another directory - copy files upon request.
  • Fixed description/grid resizing/colwidth problem.
  • Browse in preferences for the data directories.
  • Move to record if OK selected in browse box.
  • Browse List: dblclick - move/close, enable list all in browse box for all records.
  • Fixed problem with print from Print Preview screen, close and print.
  • Fixed Copy to labels problem after a birthday search.
  • Shortcut keys in menus for various commands in menus.
  • Fixed Misc instances of displaying background program when switching forms (printing).
  • Fixed: Open browse, then go into HM or out, shell happens, or from libs.
  • Web page location changed.


  • Fixed problem with date searches not updating in browse hymnal list.
  • Fixed problem printing multiple dates used in list report from hymnals.
  • Fixed problem sorting by default order in music library - prefs & music form.


  • Fixed problem with multiple hymnal searches searching wrong hymnals.

  • Upgraded to VSVIEW 1.07 to fix printing list problems, later pages were messed up.
  • Fixed bug for User Rating field to be changed by mouse click from 3 places.
  • Fixed problem where service changes dates after edit user, fixed restore db name.


  • Fixed Browse Warning flag in preferences to take effect immediately.
  • Add HelpContext field values to most forms for F1 help access.
  • Fixed search problem that would not allow three fields to be searched.
  • Blank list of topics when searching in multiple hymnals.
  • Fixed redraw problem if an error occurred while searching multiple hymnals.
  • Fixed search problems for three fields in other libraries.
  • Fixed some help file mistakes.
  • Hymnals selected for a multiple hymnal search are remembered in INI file.


  • Setup program does not overwrite dbs, background is faded.
  • Home phone in browse for personnel, reorder music,equip to have longer fields first.
  • Phone number in publishers browse list like personnel, setup default printing routine.
  • Fixed tab stops in write.exe when exporting lists and services, much better appearance.
  • Copy list to clip, write, printer from browse list box.
  • Some changes to make it look right at higher res, opening, about, calendar.
  • Printing ported to other 4 libraries.
  • Label printing.
  • Absence search, and others, if none found, don't bring up browse list.
  • Print from browse hymnal box like other boxes, three buttons.
  • Make print button print standard detailed report to printer, don't show box, or load form if possible.
  • Label printing from Browse lists with defaults for that library.
  • Add support for maranatha and pwsbk 1 - 9.
  • Can't alt tab if grid has focus.
  • Can't move line down without all other lines moving up, line does not look like it moves.
  • Add style as extra field, sorts, searches, exporting, prefs etc.
  • Add search all hymnals, pick from a list, track hymnal # in index array, switch to display info.
  • On copy, export, etc. print hymnal version if multiple search.
  • New VSVIEW.VBX to fix tall table cells at the bottom of pages.

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